Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Real Struggle

By Gabriela Anaya ValdepeƱa
Copied, cut, pasted and loved by Ol' Homeless with a Laptop, That is my Name

They say, when one is beheaded,
the brain, for a few seconds,
can perceive its loss.
The mind thinks, untroubled by its limbs.
Not like dreaming, when
you run, you skip, you fly, you lie
in your coffin and stare at yourself,
then wake, limbs innocent but fatigued.

Forget class and religion. The real struggle
is between those who dream and those
who would not be troubled by them;
between those who would go to the guillotine
before they would burn a book, and those
who love the smell of burning pages.

A dreamer’s bones grow brittle, like everyone else
but their minds never ossify.
Dreamers care for the sheep
Discarded after the sleepy count;
do those snoozers think
they vanish like unwanted pounds?
When someone thins,
the air grows fatter.
That is the law of things.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Winter is Here

A snowflake has fallen
a fly dies
The leaves are brown
on forlorn trees
A child's mitten lays,
frozen and forgotten.

TV antennas on roofs
in buildings dilapitated.
my city is gray
the streets empty,
except for the elderly
who clean after their pets.

As I lay down,
the coffin closes,
my life is forgotten
my dreams gone.
Long did I labor,
only dogs bawl.

By: Can't remember who wrote this
Copied, cut, pasted and liked by Homeless with a Laptop, That is my Name

Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Clock of the Years

Every man
is his own clock
Tic toc

he may rise
by the sun
and go to sleep
with the stars
Tic toc

but if he
take stock
and come to knock
at fate’s door
he may find
that he himself
has sprung the lock
against himself.

to knock
now, the door
will not open—
save only
at the shock
of love,
to deliver him
from that block,
his heart and
set it beating again:

Tic toc
Tic toc
tic toc!

by William Carlos Williams
copied, pasted and loved by Homeless with a Laptop, That is My Name

Friday, November 5, 2010

An Alternative Theory on the Causes of the Russian Revolution

Before reading this posting, I ask you, the reader, to get a good bottle of Russian vodka, e. g., Stolichnaya, Staraya Moskva or any other brand. If you can’t find Russian vodka, go domestic. The important thing is to have a bottle of vodka with you before you read on.

Take a healthy slug of vodka to get you started. Now read on
This month marks the 96th Anniversary of the October 1917 Bolshevik Revolution--which occurred in November 1917.

Take a healthy slug of vodka for the Revolution and read on

However, the October 25, 1917 Bolshevik Revolution occurred on November 7, 1917 as the Russians, true to fashion, used the Julian calendar which was 13 days behind the Gregorian calendar – which most other nations used. Confused? Read on

Take a healthy slug of vodka for the Julian calendar, then

Take a healthy slug of vodka for Gregorian calendar and read on

The common view of the causes of the Russian Revolution holds that it occurred as a result of the misery of World War 1, disaffection in the army, the corruption and incompetence of the Tsar and his government, Rasputin, Lenin and the Bolsheviks, etc.

Take another healthy slug of vodka for the Revolution, then

Take a healthy slug of vodka for Lenin and the Bolsheviks and read on

After much research, consultation of obscure Slavonic treatises and just plain pondering, I have concluded that this view is incorrect.

Take a healthy slug of vodka for obscure Slavonic treatises then

Take another healthy slug of vodka for the Revolution and read on

My theory is that the Russian Revolution did not occur from those causes at all. I have tested and re-tested this theory over many a glass of vodka and it always seem to make sense in the end.

Take another healthy slug of vodka for the Revolution and read on

Rather, I posit that the real cause of the Russian Revolution was the realization by the Russian peasants that the Tsar and the Czar were one in the same person.

Take another healthy slug of vodka for the Revolution.

Take another healthy slug of vodka for the Tsar

Take another healthy slug of vodka for the Czar

Take a healthy slug of vodka for the Russian peasants

Take a healthy slug of vodka for Titan

Take a healthy slug of vodka for this blog

Take a healthy slug of vodka for Donald Trump, the Tea Party and Woody Allen.

Take a healthy slug of vodka for ol' Homeless with a Laptop, That is my name

Take a healthy slug of vodka because you are almost finished with bottle of vodka