Friday, August 2, 2013

Not Enough

With you
It's not enough
To burn our nude, spent bodies
In the fist of summer's heat
Passion, welding us together
Fusing us in oneness
With you
It's not enough
To tangle our ribs, merged bodies
In the branches of fall's genealogy
Limbs, twisting together
Tying us in knots

With you
It's not enough
To rock our twin, conjoined bodies
In the cradle of winter's womb
Hearts, beating together
Lulling us to sleep

With you
It's not enough
To plant our future, mated bodies
In the fertility of spring's mind
Lives, blooming together
Joining us as one.
By:  I can't remember the author
Copied and felt with passion by:  Homeless with a Laptop, That is my Name

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